Keg Outlet

Keg Outlet's mission is to empower homebrewers by providing great customer service and quality products at low prices.

We strive to maintain accurate product data and imagery so that our customers and potential customers know exactly what they're getting. If you have a question about a product, or if there is a product that you can't find on our site, feel free to contact us - we can often-times help you find what you're looking for.

Ss Brewtech » Brew Cubes | Modular Brew Stands

The Brew Cubes are designed to grow alongside the brewer's equipment needs and skill level; there's really no right or wrong way to build a brewery, and that's where the modular design of the Brew Cubes shines.

The core of the Brew Cube is the base kit, as shown in the exploded view. From there, any variety of shelves and accessories can be added on. We'll have many of the core accessories available immediately, but we view this as a long term platform and intend to introduce thoughtful additions to the product line over the coming months and years.

Ss Brewtech Brew Cube Inspiration

The below image features a 3V eBrewing system built out on 3 Brew Cube bases with additional components.